jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2016

Best Things To See in Lima City Part 2

The Magic Water Circuit

The Parque de la Reserva was originally opened in 1929 to commemorate all the civilian reservists who fought in the defence of Lima during the War of the Pacific. But more than 65 years later Parque de la Reserva became one of Lima's most visited tourist attractions.(best Peru tours)

In May 2007 a water and light show called the Circuito Magico del Agua (The Magic Water Circuit) was inaugurated. The Magic Water Circuit has the Guinness Book record for the largest fountain complex in the world, displaying 13 distinct fountains and many are interactive. All of the fountains are illuminated at night, many with continuously changing color schemes. A colorful laser light program synchronized with classical and Peruvian music makes the fountains sparkle and shine as the water flows in unique patterns and shapes.

Archeological Museum Rafael Larco Herrera

Founded in 1926, the Larco Museum showcases remarkable chronological galleries providing an excellent overview on 3000 years of development of Peruvian pre-Columbian history. Located in a unique vice-royal mansion of the 18th century built over a 7th century pre-Columbian pyramid and surrounded by beautiful gardens. The museum features the finest gold and silver collection from Ancient Peru and a famous erotic archaeological collection.

For an unforgettable experience, Larco is one of the few museums in the world where visitors can also choose to enter the storage area with its 45.000 classified archaeological objects. Its masterpieces are considered worldwide icons of pre-Columbian art, after being exhibited in the world's leading museums.(south america tours)

We highly recommend taking a guided tour through the museum which is really worth the few Soles extra. And a good way to end your visit at one of the best museums in Lima is stopping for a drink or an excellent meal at the restaurant.

The District Barranco

Unfortunately only a few tourists find their way to the beautiful district of Barranco. Once it was Lima's beach, pleasure and entertainment district for wealthier Limeños (during the colonial and republican times). Barranco was at the beginning of the 20th century home to famous Peruvian writers and artists which gave the district a unique character.

Luckily Barranco could save not only big a part of its colonial charm but as well its special character and charisma. The daily life in Barranco is more relaxed and quieter than in the rest of Lima. The city center invites you to stroll around, visit old colonial and republican houses and enjoy the numerous other amazing sights that Barranco has to offer. (south america travel)

As soon the sun goes down Barranco awakes and becomes the place for dancing and partying. The streets around the Parque Municipal (Municipal Park) get crowed. Cosy restaurants offer excellent typical Peruvian food. Pubs, discotheques and night clubs invite their guests to an exiting night. And the famous Peruvian peñas stage folkloric music shows, in particular Afro Peruvian and Criollo gigs.

Surquillo Market

Located in the district of Surquillo, the Surquillo market is just a few blocks from Parque Kennedy in Miraflores, only a ten minute walk on Av. Ricardo Palma over the bridge. The mercado in Surquillo is an enormous, genuine and bustling place where locals do their everyday shopping. It offers great quality food for amazingly low prices. A wide range of fresh Peruvian fruits, vegetables, herbs, meat, fish, seafood and even harder to find ingredients await you. (Peru destinations)

Around the market hall are hundreds of small stores selling everything from kitchen and table ware, groceries and even clothes. And along adjoining Calle Narciso de la Colina a gastronomic boulevard was opened in 2010, where locals and tourists alike can enjoy a delicious Peruvian meal.

Park of Legends Zoo

The Parque de las Leyendas is Lima's traditional zoo. But it's much more than that. It is located amidst a big part of Lima's most extensive ancient city and is one of the most important pre-Hispanic complexes at the central Peruvian coast called the Archaeological Complex of Maranga. The park successfully manages to combine ecology, archaeology, education and relaxation.

While wandering around the extensive area you can't miss the pyramidal structures that served different ingenious civilizations as temples and burial grounds. In the Parque de las Leyendas are some very interesting museums like the Museo Ernst. W. Middendorf, displaying artifacts and mummies found in the different religious and ceremonial center's, the Museo Petroleo, offering an educational exhibition about the process of exploration, exploitation and the transforming of crude oil and its derivatives and finally the Museo Celestino Kalinosky with an amazing butterfly exhibition.

The zoo itself is focusing on the Peruvian flora and fauna. It's divided into the three principle climatic regions of Peru: costa, sierra and selva (coast, highlands and jungle). Animals from all over Peru can be observed here. The coastal region is represented by pelicans, cormorants, sea lions, penguins and turtles; the highlands by llamas, vicunas, guanacos, pumas, condors and owls; the jungle by monkeys, jaguars, snakes, toucans, parrots, coatis and crocodiles. (Peru holidays)

But you find "international animals" as well. In 2010 the big cats were freed from their tiny cages and moved to more species-appropriate big enclosure, the "Felinario" which resembles more their natural habitat. Here you find lions, pumas, tigers and jaguars sleeping in the shade, running around or playing. Other non Peruvian animals include giraffes, hippos, zebras, buffalo, bears and ostriches.

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