lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

South America Travel, Peru Holidays

Peru, as mega-diverse country, is the result of a mixture of cultures starting with the great heritage of the native origins building to the most famous culture of the Incas. Subsequently this country has enjoyed migrations from many different countries mainly Spain, then China, Japan, Africa and Europe. In addition to the mixed culture, the great biodiversity of wildlife, Peru provides you with multitude great possibilities for fun option activities too.

Peru has many nominations and prizes, among the most relevant comes from The United Nations naming many cities as World Heritage sites to the Historic Centers of the cities of Cusco, Arequipa, Lima and to the archaeological sites of Chavin (Ancash), Chan Chan (Trujillo), The Nazca Lines, The Sacred city of Caral and The Qhapaq Ñan (red of paths). A few of the Natural attractions are The Manu National Parkand The Huascaran National Park (snowcap mountain).


Lima;The city of the Kings
where you can still see the colonial part and the modern areas. Narrow streets cluttered, baroque churches. Colonial structures clad with elaborate balconies. The capital of Peru is surrounded of a variety of restaurants and museums stuffed with pre-Columbian treasures. The web of streets set in 1532 is still full of life. Lima is, also known for its gastronomy that if you have the chance to pass by here you can´t miss out the opportunity to try these exquisite dishes.

Amazon Wildlife
The Amazon jungle known also as the lungs of the world. The Peruvian Amazon has abundant wildlife, natural areas that protect the flora, fauna and native communities, including communities that have had no contact with civilization, which these last ones should be the most protected areas. The Peruvian forest comprises almost 50% of the Peruvian territory, but only 5% of the population lives in these woods. Some popular are: Manu National Park, National Reserve Tampobata, the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, Bahuaja Sonene National Park. Visiting the Amazon jungle is one of the best experience you can take home and learn better about wildlife and environment.

Nazca lines It is an incomparable destination to see! The meaning behind of these mysterious glyphs is still an enigma. The magnificent big lines is only possible to be appreciated from the air. You can also see partially from a watchtower from the Panamericana Highway point.

Located in the Peruvian Andes, Cusco, was considered for the Incas the Capital of their region or Tahuantinsuyo. This urban center was created by the Incas, then after the Spaniards arrival was rebuilt becoming a new city that was built over the ancient constructions. There are many examples of original Inca architecture and engineer that we still can see around the City. The city represents the sum of 3,000 years of indigenous and autonomous cultural development in the Peruvian southern Andes. The city of Cusco center was declared as a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1983. Spanish and Quechua are the official languages.

Machu Picchu
Visiting Machu Picchu for many travelers is a unique and incomparable experience, with a spectacular location in the top and surrounded of mountains, is the best known archaeological site of South America. It is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. This citadel was preserved to this day because was not known for the conquistadors, so now we can see his greatness. It is located in Cusco region.

Sacred Valley
In Cusco region, the valley between Pisac and Machu Picchu along the Urubamba River, it is called the Valle Sagrado de los Incas, is famous because we can find the main attractions to visit in Cusco as Pisac and Ollantaytambo sites; also famous for some high-adrenaline activities as rafting, trekking, climbing and others. And it is home of some andean native communities who still conserve their traditions ancient heritage. So if you traveling around Cusco and Machu Picchu, get the chance to take one of the best experiences.

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
The Inca trail to Machu Picchu is part of the network of trails (Qhapaq Ñan) that goes to Machu Picchu and during the way you can find several archaeological sites that can be visited: In the hike that takes 4 Days and departs from Km 82 of the railway Cusco-Machu Picchu you visit some archaeological Incan sites. In the short hike that departs from Km 104 of the railway Cusco-MachuPicchu you get to visit Wiñayhuayna site and its biodiversity.

Lake Titicaca
The Lake Titicaca covers the area of the countries of Peru and Bolivia. Is a place that you can enjoy the visit, feel the magic of the lake in the top of the Andes. In Peru side, the Lake Titicaca is home of fantastic places such as the floating islands (Uros) made of totora reeds that is a home of their people, pre-columbian funerary towers (Sillustani), and fertility temples full of stones phalluses.

The new highlight for a great visit in Peru is Kuelap, located in North of Peru, in the south of Chachapoyas, named for some people as the “other Machu Picchu”, it is unique for the stone work and proud position overlooking the Utcubamba Valley in Amazonas region. It is surrounded by an extensive wall perimeter of 1900 linear metres, with only three entrances.

South America Peru tours - SA Peru, can help you plan a memorable trip with many diverse tour options. Exploring the old Inca palaces, hike along Inca trails, witness colorful local celebrations, visit museums with amazing artifacts before making your way to the amazing Amazon Rainforest wildlife, the wonderful beaches, and the marvelous Patagonia.

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jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Travel to South America - Enjoy Brazil

Brazil is the largest country is South America and the fifth largest country in the world. Most Brazilians are descended mainly from three ethnic groups: Native Indian, European settlers (especially from Portugal) and Africans. In addition, other immigrants have arrived over the years from both Japan & China. This diversity of cultures has created a rich religious, musical and culinary culture.

This big country has the greatest variety of animals and landscapes of any country in the world. A wonderful Amazon wildlife in the North, dry grassland called pampas, rugged hills, pine forests, sprawling wetlands, immense plateaus, a long coastal plain and a flat swampy area called the Pantanal (flooded lagoons) rich in a great wildlife such as anacondas, caimans and capybaras.

For all those reasons, Brazil is one of the world’s most captivating places. Its music, the white sand beaches, the wildlife, the great friendly people, the amazing waterfalls and the carnival in Rio. This is what makes a great destination to visit in South America.


Rio de Janeiro Beaches
Nothing better than the beaches of Rio. Urbanized and preserved to the right extent, they represent perfectly the cariocas and their joy. The most popular beaches activities are Copacabana and Ipanema beaches where you can enjoy a ride range of beach side activities.

Amazon Rainforest
Live an unforgettable experience exploring through the forest and the Amazonian cities. The Brazilian Amazon Rainforest, dense vegetation and diverse fauna, the forest attract people from all over the world in search of adventure, fun and getting back to nature. Another city to enjoy from the Amazon is Ponta Negra beach where you can enjoy a bath in the waters of the Rio Negro.

Preserving origins and roots is very important for the Brazilians, the way they dress, talk, dance and pray. Salvador city is a great example of it who shows a bit of their history and heritage. Salvador Bahia is known as the country’s Afro-Brazilian culture heritage. Salvador, known as Land of all the Saints has a total of 365 churches spread in the city representing Catholicisim brought from the Portuguese. As the Candomblé terraces, afro-religion, rituals and beliefs are responsible in preserving the culture coming from Africa heritage.

Sâo Paulo
is the city of the main economic engine of Brazil, the third largest city in the Americas. Sâo Paulo has a vast list of museums, theatres, and green areas to see. This says nothing at all, need more info.

A city built to be the Brazilian Government’s Centre, well designed and built as a symbol of urban planning and modern architecture in the 20th century. The design resembles the figures of a plane and was declared a World Cultural Heritage by Unesco.

Iguazu falls
The Iguazu falls originate from Iguazu River and are located on the border of Brazil (in the state of Paraná) and Argentina. Iguazu Falls are what divides the river into its upper and lower portion giving rise to several myths and legends as to their origins. The Iguazu Falls were declared World Heritage Sites by UNESO in 1984. In 2011, Iguazu falls were chosen one of the World´s Natural Wonders in a global poll organized the Swiss Foundation New Seven Wonders. In 2013, UNESCO awarded Iguazu National Park once again for its Exceptional Universal Value, being a site of such extraordinary cultural and natural value transcending national borders, a site of value for humanity’s present and future generations.

Cristo Redentor – Corcovado Mountain
The mountains surrounding the city of Cristo Redentor rise straight up from the city to 710m. The open-armed statue at its vista is visible from nearly every part of the city. Corcovado lies within National Park of Tijuca. The most popular way to reach the statue is to take the red narrow-gauge train that departs every 30 minutes and takes approximately 20 minutes to reach the top.

Pâo de Açucar / Sugar Loaf
The view of Rio from the peak of Pâo de Açucar or Sugar Loaf is without a doubt a great wonder of this city. There are many good times to make the ascent, but sunset on a clear day is the most rewarding. Two cable cars connect to the summit, 396m.

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lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

Ecuador best Vacations in South America

The indigenous population is mixed with those of European and Spanish descent giving Ecuador its unique cultural texture.

This country has it all; Andean Peaks, Amazon Rainforest, Indigenous Markets, Colonial Towns, Warm Beaches not to mention its widely known famous chain of volcanic islands full of wonderful wildlife.
Quito is the capital and the political center, while Guayaquil is the commercial center. The world famous Galapagos Islands (596 miles /960Km) are located about 600 miles to west of Guayaquil. It is home a wide range of unusual wildlife such as unique reptiles, birds and plants.

An important part of Ecuador´s cultural life is the feria or market day, which takes place weekly in many towns. The town of Otavalo, about 56km or 35mi north of Quito, is well known for its colorful Saturday fairs. The Ecuadorians themselves are kind-hearted, friendly and known for their warm and welcoming hospitality.


With a rich Pre-Columbian history, the capital of Ecuador was founded on the ruins of an Inca city. Still considered one of the best-preserved historical remains of Latino-America legacy. UNESCO has declared Quito a World Heritage Site. Quito has beautiful colonial buildings and is surrounded by impressive volcanic peaks.

Is the largest and most populated city in Ecuador. Located just a couple of degrees from the Equator the climate of Guayaquil is tropical. The picturesque neighborhood of Las Peñas, which anchors the city both geographically and historically, while the downtown area are many fun office workers, residents and shoppers into one hybrid stream.

is a small town that is located about 100km north of Quito. The Saturday morning markets are a colorful attraction to see the locals displaying the products made it by hand with skills that have been hand from one generation to the next and mixing some with their own styles of creativity.

This isolated group of volcanic Islands is home to a vast unique wildlife and biodiversity such as reptiles, birds, and plants. You don’t have to be an evolutionary biologist or an ornithologist to appreciate one of the few places left on the planet where different and rare animals have left a big legacy.

In Quito you can experiencing existing in two-separate hemispheres at the same time. Since Quito it crosses the Equator Line also called “Equatorial” or “Equator” from where the name of the country was originally derived.

Travel with us, South America Peru Tours - SA Peru. We can offer you trips throughout the most highlighted destinations in South America. We will take you to the best parts of Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina y Bolivia. Come with us and enjoy!

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martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

South America Tours Best Travel Experiences

South America has a variety of mixed culture. Since the arrival of the Europeans in 1492 the population has become extremely diverse. It would be difficult to generalize about one cultural definition of the continent but is known that a large majority have part of their roots from Spain, Portugal and Africa. Because of the Spanish and Portuguese colonization, mestizos (mixed of natives and Spanish or Portuguese) are also in the majority. In the early 1900’s South America received more immigrants including Italian going to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. Then more significant arrivals to South America has come from Germany, Libya, China and Japan.

The mix of culture, the great biodiverse wildlife and the big adventure possibilities is what makes South America so unique. South America offers great travel options for the perfect vacation.

South America Peru tours - SA Peru, can help you plan a memorable trip with many diverse tour options. Exploring the old Inca palaces, hike along Inca trails, witness colorful local celebrations, visit museums with amazing artifacts before making your way to the amazing Amazon Rainforest wildlife, the wonderful beaches, and the marvelous Patagonia.

Travel with us, South America Peru Tours - SA Peru. We can offer you trips throughout the most highlighted destinations in South America. We will take you to the best parts of Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina y Bolivia. Come with us and enjoy!

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